Guns N' Roses Songs Ranked From Worst To Best

Guns N' Roses' Axl Rose turned 60 this year and to celebrate his Birthday, all of Guns N Roses 81 album songs were ranked from worst to best.

List went like this:

#81 - "My World," Use Your Illusion II (1991)

#80 - "One in a Million," GN'R Lies (1988)

#8- "Welcome To The Jungle" (1987)

#5 - "November Rain," Use Your Illusion I (1991)

#4 - "Coma," Use Your Illusion I (1991)

#3 - "Mr. Brownstone," Appetite for Destruction (1987)

#2 - "It's So Easy," Appetite For Destruction (1987)

#1 - "Estranged," Use Your Illusion II (1991)

So what do we think, agree that Estranged is the best GNR song?

Check out the entire list HERE

Photo Credit: EDUARDO VALENTE/AFP via Getty Images

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