Back-To-School Traffic Safety Reminders

Duval goes back to school on Monday, August 15th, so here are Back To School traffic safety reminders:

For Kids Going Back To School:

  • Remind children to pay attention when walking or riding their bike to the bus stop or school.
  • Walk against the direction of traffic so they can see oncoming cars if there aren't any sidewalks
  • Playing music load in headphones can prevent them from heading traffic, horns or sirens
  • Make sure the bus comes to a complete stop before trying to board the bus
  • Teens going to high school or college, do not text and drive!
  • If riding bike to school, wear a helmet, use bike lanes if possible, ride in the same direction of traffic
  • Cross at street intersections
  • TIP: Arrive at least 5 minutes to your bus stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive, stay 5 steps away from the curb

For Drivers On The Road:

  • Slow down in school zones!!!
  • Always come to a complete stop
  • No texting and driving
  • Talk to your teen, 1 in 4 fatal crashes involve teen drivers during after school hours.

Florida's School Bus Stop Law:

  • You Must remain stopped until all children are clear of the roadway and the bus signal has been withdrawn.
  • If the road is divided by a raised barrier or an unpaved median, you do not have to stop if you are moving in the opposite direction of the bus.

Check out the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles website for more.

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