2023 is going to be the year of meteor showers, full moons and eclipses!
Even better, many of these celestial events will be visible from Northeast Florida!
According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, we will have 13 Full/Super Moons. Here is a list:
Jan. 6: Wolf moon
Feb. 5: Snow moon
March 7: Worm moon
April 6: Pink moon
May 5: Flower moon
June 3: Strawberry moon
July 3: Buck moon
Aug. 1: Sturgeon moon
Aug. 30: Blue moon
Sept. 29: Harvest moon
Oct. 28: Hunter’s moon
Nov. 27: Beaver moon
Dec. 26: Cold moon
NASA says there will be two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses, but only about two will be visible here on the First Coast:
April 20: Total solar eclipse
Oct. 14: Annular solar eclipse (visible across North America)
May 5: Penumbral lunar eclipse
Oct. 28: Partial lunar eclipse (visible in some parts of North America)
CNN is reporting that at least 1 of the 12 meteor showers this year can be visibal from the U.S:
Jan. 3-4: Quadrantid meteor shower (visible to those in North America)
April 22-23: Lyrids
May 5-6: Eta Aquariids
July 30-31: Southern delta Aquariids
July 30-31: Alpha Capricornids
Aug. 12-13: Perseids
Oct. 20-21: Orionids
Nov. 4-5: Southern Taurids
Nov. 11-12: Northern Taurids
Nov. 17-18: Leonids
Dec. 13-14: Geminids
Dec. 21-22: Ursids
Here are some sky watching tips: