A woman in South Lake Tahoe, California was rescued after her car had become buried in snow. The woman was discovered after a snow plow driver inadvertently struck her vehicle, causing her trunk to pop open. The plow driver contacted police to get help digging the illegally parked car out of the snow so it could be towed away.
As the workers began digging, they were shocked when they noticed a woman's hand on the window. They managed to clear enough snow away from the driver's side door so the woman could get out of her car. She told authorities that she had been in the car for around five hours and that her battery had died. Officials said that she did not seem concerned about the potentially deadly situation she found herself in.
"Being inside of a buried car, or starting a car buried in snow, could have deadly consequences," Chris Fiore, the communications manager for the City of South Lake Tahoe told the press. "If we had not gotten to her, I'm afraid this story would have a very different ending."
The 48-year-old woman was not cited by the police, and she left after they towed her vehicle.